WTRG Economics Natural Gas Futures Prices - NYMEX
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Closing Natural Gas Futures Price    Daily High/Low Natural Gas Futures Prices   Contract Information  
Monday, March 24, 2025: NYMEX Natural Gas Futures for April delivery closed down $0.066 at $3.914 per MMBtu.
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Henry Hub Natural Gas

Trading Unit
Natural Gas Futures: 10,000 million British thermal units (MMBtu). 

Trading Months
Natural Gas Futures: 36 consecutive months commencing with the next calendar month (for example, on October 2, 1998, trading occurs in all months from November 1998 through October 2001). Options: 12 consecutive months, plus 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, and 36 months on a June/December cycle.

Price Quotation
Natural Gas Futures: Dollars and cents per MMBtu, for example, $2.035 per MMBtu. 

Minimum Price Fluctuation
Natural Gas Futures: $0.001 (0.1 ¢) per MMBtu ($10 per contract). 

Maximum Daily Price Fluctuation
Natural Gas Futures: $1.50 per MMBtu ($15,000 per contract) for the first two months. Initial back month limits of $0.15 (15¢) per MMBtu rise to $0.30 (30¢) per MMBtu if the previous day's settlement price in any back month is at the $0.15 (15¢) limit. In the event of a $0.75 (75¢) per MMBtu move in either of the first two contract months, limits on all months become $0.75 per MMBtu in all months from the limit in place in the direction of the move. 

Last Trading Day
Natural Gas Futures: Trading terminates three business days prior to the first calendar day of the delivery month. 

Sabine Pipe Line Co.’s Henry Hub in Louisiana. Seller is responsible for the movement of the gas through the Hub; the buyer, from the Hub. The Hub fee will be paid by seller.

Delivery Period
Delivery shall take place no earlier than the first calendar day of the delivery month and shall be completed no later than the last calendar day of the delivery month. All deliveries shall be made at as uniform as possible an hourly and daily rate of flow over the course of the delivery month. 

Alternate Delivery Period (ADP)
An Alternate Delivery Procedure is available to buyers and sellers who have been matched by the Exchange subsequent to the termination of trading in the spot month contract. If buyer and seller agree to consummate delivery under terms different from those prescribed in the contract specifications, they may proceed on that basis after submitting a notice of their intention to the Exchange. 

Exchange of Futures For, or in Connection with, Physicals (EFP)
The commercial buyer or seller may exchange a futures position for a physical position of equal quantity by submitting a notice to the Exchange. EFPs may be used to either initiate or liquidate a futures position. 

Quality Specifications
Pipeline specifications in effect at time of delivery.

Position Limits
7,000 contracts for all months combined, but not to exceed 1,000 in the last three days of trading in the spot month or 5,000 in any one month. 

Margin Requirements
Margins are required for open futures positions. The margin requirement for an options purchaser will never exceed the premium paid. 

Trading Symbols
Natural Gas Futures: NG



Copyright 1999-2025 by James L. Williams 

James L. Williams
WTRG Economics 
Phone: (479) 293-4081
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